WWW (Women Who Worship): Walking In Thy Will

RE: Walking in God's Will
October 27, 2008 at 9:32 PM
Well, i did not make my goal this month but i did lose 3lbs so now i am at 161 lbs. November weight loss goal of 3lbs or more. Be bless and know that we are more than conquers!
RE: Walking in God's Will
October 2, 2008 at 10:28 PM
That is great Katonya, keep up the good work! i hope to see you looking and feeling great soon!
RE: Walking in God's Will
October 1, 2008 at 9:52 PM
Sis. Sheila, I'm still hanging in there with y'all! And you are absolutely right, the holidays are right around the corner and I'm certainly one that wants to look fantastic in my holiday outfits!!! I'll shoot for five pounds for the month of October too.

Enjoy the journey!

Katonya, "Enjoy your journey!"
RE: Walking in God's Will
September 29, 2008 at 4:55 PM
You are so right Sis. Sheila! I mentioned today that I need to get rid of at least 5 pounds by October 21, 2008. Dr. Bridget Hilliard suggested a three day prep for me to follow. She really looks great and is very disciplined when it comes to her health and excercise. She kept her weight off for years now and even has a great book out called the Will to Win!! She is a great mentor with a walk that I admire so, I want to share with you, what she is sharing with me...lets change our lifestyle for God Certainly! This is what I am going to do for the next three days.

2 Eggs
1/2 orange in the A.M & 1/2 orange in afternoon (P.M.)
Unlimited Protein (select one family (Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Seafood)
Unlimited Green Raw Vegetables (no peas)
Morton's Lite Salt sprinkled over food or diluted in water
80 oz. of water daily
No salt or sugar
No fruit juices, cooked vegetables, bread, milk, cheese, deli meats, peas, pasta, pork or condiments such as mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard.
No tomatoes or carrots
Low fat dressing only

In His Will,
Lady Kameshia
RE: Walking in God's Will
September 16, 2008 at 2:06 PM
Sis. Sheila,

I am sooo very proud of you!!! You are consistant and Faithful!! God didnt say be perfect he said just be faithful!! You are receiving your reward, certainly!! So tell me will good health help us all to sing better? YOUU....sounded great sunday!!! I praise God for you!!
RE: Walking in God's Will
September 16, 2008 at 12:45 PM
You go sis. sheila!!!! You are not alone. I haven't been posting cuz of computer problems. However, I've had you in my thoughts and prayers as well as your First-Lady and all my brothers and sisters at Thy Will. I must admit that I had fallen off the wagon. I've been at a stand still for a while which is really good because I had not been working out nor eating my healthiest. I'm hanging around 186 and I'm a size 14. I'm baaaaaaacccccckkkkkkk!
Enjoy your journey
Katonya, "Enjoy your journey!"
RE: Walking in God's Will
September 15, 2008 at 9:41 PM
One more pound, 165 I had to deny my self of some foods that I love to eat. If we want to follow Jesus we have to deny self take up our cross and follow him. I believe that is why I have seen the results lately is because I took that scripture literally deny self(foods I loved to eat). I had to actually fall out of love with the foods I loved to eat and I saw some results.
RE: Walking in God's Will
September 10, 2008 at 6:31 AM
166lbs and counting down, Thank you Jesus, has anyone else lost any?
RE: Walking in God's Will
August 29, 2008 at 9:15 PM
168lbs that looks better than 177lbs, I still have a ways to go.
RE: Walking in God's Will
August 25, 2008 at 6:39:04 PM
Let's keep active when we are sedentary and and eat unhealthy we are doomed for trouble, If you do not like to exercise try to watch what you eat and you will see some results
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