WWW (Women Who Worship): Doing The Girl Thing God's Way!

RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
January 30, 2013 at 11:44 PM
" Doing The Girl Thing God's Way " was founded in 2009. It was a time when I discovered several Pastors Wives all under my Spiritual Mother, Dr. Nina Bronner. This is a group of Ladies who pray together for each other and have fun in the process. We get outside on the Mountain each year and get close to God and receive from Him, We worship, we talk and chat then we just get out and enjoy .... LIFE with each other in the Lord. It's a time to get away from it all... and yet a time to connect to other sisters who will pray for you and with you. I learned that Divine Connections are thicker than Blood connections. My biological sisters were my friends all of my life. There are four girls in my family, however...I am closer to my husband than I am any of my sisters and he comes before they do. The bible said leave and cleave and that is what I did. I love them all yet, there is also a divine connection among those persons God placed in my life for " Purpose" Here is what God said to me.

" Kameshia, If there is no divine purpose in the connection, then there is no divine reason to connect. When there is divine purpose in the connection, then there is divine reason to connect." It was God letting me know that there is a way to connect with people and to know whom to connect with. When He is in the midst, it's ok and we are to focus on what is divine in that connection.
Anyone can be a pastors wife, but a First Lady has a divine assignment and she is walking in it, daily. How will you know her? By her fruit, she is a First Lady in her own domain, here is the thing...we all have the same bible as our manual so you DON'T have to be a pastors wife in order to be a First Lady in YOUR domain. Walk in Purpose!

Women Who Worship Are satans Worst Nightmare
Women Who Worship are Drama Free!

To my Sisters: Lady Janet L Armstrong
Lady Kim Moore
Lady Mona Brawley
Lady Marie Wade
Lady Lisa Garmon
Lady Charla Turner
Lady Sumiko Stroud

Thank you for " Doing The Girl Thing God's Way!

To the Women of Grace...Thank YOUU for " Doing The Girl Thing God's Way!"

A Woman of Grace,

Kameshia Stokes Thomas
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
June 19, 2009 at 7:40 PM

ck this out!
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
June 11, 2008 at 10:42 AM
Winning Lady Nomie,

Thank you for posting! I wish you knew how honored I am to know you. You are an amazing woman of God with a wonderful sense of humor! Thank you for the compliment and I praise God for any work that He is accomplishing through me and the ministrty. As you know the impartations go both ways with us. I am so proud to be divinely connected to you! Be Blessed!
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
Lady Nomie
June 11, 2008 at 4:08:07 AM
Lady Kameisha,

Thank you for the divine impartations you share daily with us. I am amzed at the work of your ministry. WOW winning lady :-)
Continue to say Yes to the Lord doing wonderful things through you.

Be blessed always,
Lady Nomie
Durban - South Africa
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
June 6, 2008 at 12:21 AM
Lady Sonya,

That was just so kind of you to post on our site. I too treasure the divine connection between us! May God continue to bless your ministry and I pray that God will use you in a great way for His Kingdom! I hope to see you soon! Be Blessed!
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
June 5, 2008 at 11 PM
Wow Lady Kameisha:
This is awesome. You are truly doing some great work for the kingdom. Keep it up in the Name of the Lord. I am grateful for this divine connection between us.

Much love,
First Lady CMS (Sonya)
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
May 27, 2008 at 12:14 AM
( Note sent from anonymous)

Lady Kameshia,
I don't know if you would remember me or not.I'm not one that likes to draw attention.I'm not one to stand out. I believe that is why I needed to be at that retreat, to hear that it's ok to take care of you, it's ok to put yourself first, pamper yourself, tell some one nicely, "no". When you talked about being FOCUSED, I've been tring to go bak to school for what seems like forever, I've enrolled in school to get my degree for me an no one else. I think about what yousaid about my Lord and Savior, what He focussed on,, on the way to the cross he saw me with all my faults al my mess and yet He gave it all for me. Thank you, Lord ...May God be the focus in all of His childrens' lives while we are on this Christian journey...Continue to hold fast to the confession of Thy Faith in Christ Jesus.

RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
May 15, 2008 at 3:08:06 PM
Lady Kameisha

Remebmer God Loves you very Much! :)
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
May 13, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Thank you ladyblue! And I thankyou for cking out our church family site! You are an awesome woman of God as well you know that, wonderfully made! Continue your walk in Him!
RE: Salute to Leading Lady Kameisha
May 12, 2008 at 8:27 PM
I had to find out who the AWESOME leading lady is that I have made a connection with! You're just as beautiful outside as you are inside! LadyTBlue/FLN
Love ya!
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